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Wednesday, 5 December 2007

New Beginning...

Hey guys....i know its been a long time since my last blog but there have been a few life problems i had needed thought out first.... other other personalities have gone into care bear has gone into withdrawal and mr smarty pants ...well.....he says....

"I;m tired of the blasted system and this darn reality.....why dont people just wake up and realise the true world as it is....??!!!?!!!!" yea.....i kinda need help to bring these guys back....its rather boring with them sitting in the deepest darkest regions of my brain....

.....and yea....since they've been life has become....rather....boring......sigh......

.....i'm not sure how to continue this....most likely my blog will take a shift in direction.....and so will i.....

......damn depressing la.....dammit....i need a life.....or a gf......dammit.....

.....sigh....back to burning my eyes out with Hellgate London and Gears of War.......

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