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Sunday, 27 January 2008

Busy 2008...

Alright.....i think this is the first chance i get to blog yet for this year.....omg this year is soo friggin after assignment after work......dammit....

anyways.....i'll try to figure out my schedule for this year and follow a regular blogging pattern eventually......this is soooo bad......

to all the gamers out there.......happy winter-een-mas.....may the gods of gaming be with you and your ownage.......

back to time to chat .....even for the sick.....

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Lucky 2008...

Welcome back everyone....its feels great to be back....2007 is over.....its a time for rejoice and resolutions....

...Welcome everyone to lucky 2008!!!!..... guys must be wondering why i would start a post like this...well i believe that 2008 is a lucky year for most of us....that is if i'm not mistaken based on the chinese calendar....if i'm wrong someone please correct me....

....but so far so good....several very lucky and very 'good' things have happened to me already within the first week....those who know....shh....

...don't might be unlucky if anything be said....

....anyways....the time between my post might be longer than last year as so many things are happening at once....

[....and also because i'm still getting used to the idea of classes...still on holiday mood...]

....ahem....but i can tell you other "me's" might be coming out of whatever hell hole they are in...the reason....they're happy that i can't tell you why.... reasons....mine that is....

.....anyways...i know i owe you Gears of War game reviews but i will also be coming out with review for Universe at War: Earth Assault and Halo well as one on my new gaming mouse and speakers.....

....however...i dont think it might last seeing the other two of me stirring.... anyways....Happy 2008 to all that read this and bear in mind that this is a good year....nomatter what anybody says....

...gotta go finish my projects...see ya.....

Friday, 7 December 2007

Happy Happy Kill Kill... be in all honesty i feel so happy that i have to blog about it no matter how stupid it is.....

...MY COMP IS GETTING FIXED.....!!!....WOOT...!!....well....on monday atleast....and even that i;m not sure it will....dammit.....but who cares....i just feel so elated that i can't believe i used a word like elated....thats something normally Faizal would say.... some of you already know my comp's speakers has been out since P&A....did a reformat and reinstalled the drivers but nothing yea i finally decided to call HP and demand that they fix it....[service pack for 4 years....though my warranty hasn't expired yet....] yea they're coming on monday morning....[of all times] i just cant wait....

....coz like my built in speakers are bust on my laptop and the audio output is like busted on the left like i've been playing my games and my music on the right earphone....which gets extremely hot after like 6 hours....and all sound comes from the right which means mono output....can you imagine what it does to my depth perception.... long last i can play me games and music in peace....hellgate one more time as evoker and Gears if war on

Thursday, 6 December 2007

HellGate: London...finished....

Oooookaaayyyyy.......let's try to resuscitate this blog....since the others wont help i'll start with something i know.......GAMES...... games at the very least.... what now.....

....aight....recently i have just managed to finish Hellgate: London on single player
mode....just barely.....

...this to be in all honesty is a really cool game....the graphics are great on my dx9....wish i could try dx 10...

....but i must say the detail is great.....i like the variety in armor and wapons and stuff.....especially when you have different types of armor and they all tend to coordinate themselves to match the color of the you dont have like wierd peices of armor jutting out here and there making it so obvious that your character has a very bad taste in style.... a little background....the year is 2031....or somewhere around there....humans now live underground because of demons roaming the free streets for about 20 odd years.....thanks to the templar and freemasons humans have built safe zones underground, mostly in subway stations and fight from there.....the templar are the only last line of resistance the humans have....and so you begin in a backalley with the lousiest weapon there is when this guy Murmur contacts you and you escort him to safety....then you embark on a quest to save a professor who has developed something to fight against the demons....but the hero, as always is too late....soon you discover the truths and your main quests after is aimed at finding more truths to finally battle the demons head on.....i wont spoil the story....what little of it there is...ahem.... any rpg.....the big question.....what are the classes......well for one....i first chose the swordsman....god knows i love dual wielding...this guy can deal real big amounts of damage.....with them double swords....almost any enemy can be easily knocked down....downside.....melee with kinda lousy ranged weaponry.....what do you expect from a swordsman.... guys are like the elite....sheild and sword in hand....they are like what the tank is in modern warfare....these guys can take damage like no other class....this was the first i also realised that shields also deal damage....this is a first in any rpg i guess....

....marksman....longrange shooter....can i say more....take em out from a distance....however....these guys dont have much health so better keep them away from enemy.... these marksmen they wield the same weapons and armor but not as much damage....they do however have a nifty little trick of making robots out of thin air....robots that shoot, slice, slow, and explode the enemy....all for free.....well not takes up abit of power[mana]....

.....evokers......these guys are like sorcerers.....thier offensive spells are the bomb....and this is probably the most creative class i have seen so far....nothing like this have i seen before.....however....evokers tend to look ugly so yea....oh and for them to attack you normally have to equip a gun like thing so that they can shoot....whatever it looks cool...

....summoners....just like any other game with summoners out there.....summon minions to do your bidding....which is to pummel your enemy....however....summoners have low attack and health so most of the time you're dodging enemies ready to respawn your minions if they die....also your minions tend to look like the enemy as well so look out for thing you know instead of your minion returning to you its the enemy coming to beat the daylights out of you....

...but before you go zombie killing in the streets of's a tip....during the character customization period there's this nifty tool of adjusting your character's height....i recommend that all long range classes to choose a taller character as it will definitely help your donnt want not to see over the only wall thats giving you cover....
.....the bosses are just so freaking just wouldnt believe how darn hard it is to kill them.....i think for each boss i must have died like 20 times.....yes its annoying but it gives the game a challenge....instead of just farming demons to level up......again...the detail on the models are just amazing when it comes to the bosses..... here comes the bad parts.....or part.....ITS SO MONOTONOUS....!!!.......

.....i mean okay yea you have about 15 - 20 different types of demons.....then you have the rare, epic, legendary and your basic enhanced demons who have special abilities and/or auras.....but its like the same thing over and over again....the same demons again and again....sometimes i myself said "hey....was that the guy i killed like 10 levels earlier....whats he doing here?"....and so on so forth.....

....however...what really gets me is like the in the surroundings.....seems like flagship studios took a risk..."and the easy way out" by putting a level generator there with a nice randomizer....

....did i say nice.....??......i meant lousy......the randomizer has got about as much random as i have fingers.....what do i mean...?!.....well yea you have your locations like the post apocalyptic streets of london, backalleys, parks, sewers, chatedral like buildings....but the randomizer randomises the layout of the place everytime you start the game wouldn't be too bad....unless the randomizer ran out of randomizing how many times have i said random already....??

.....and so you see yourself often enough in a defferent place but with the same map you played on in yesterday or something.....

"Okay...i'm not entirely sure i've seen this fellow here before but i know i've been here before...look there's the place dropped my pants.....but that was halfway accross the city...."

....the only places which were actually unique....[because they stayed the same]....were the stations....[kinda like bases or outposts where you buy your stuff, collect quests, heal, and basically not be in most of the time]

....the storyline is also lacking much.....yea there are some nice video 8 or nine of them.....but mostly you wouldnt understand the entire story of the game unless you actually read what the quest givers are saying word for word.....there also seems to be a lot of lore in this which make the game quite whatever you dont understand....accept....and what you can't accept....kill....

.....but aside from the repeating-ness of the maps and units and the lack of storyline....there was nothing much else really too bad.....but trust me...the repeating thing that was not repeating was getting a bit annoying.....

....however....the game does host some nice witty voice acting....the npc are always fun to watch and listen to.....and i do like the switch from 3rd person view to like different classes are better for different views....playing as swordsman or summoner....3rd person better....but if you're the engineer, marksman, or evoker at that.....go for 1st.....guns don't go too well on 3rd person.....

[note:the npc says different things when different gender is used....]

...but in all honesty....the radomizing thing almost put me off my game....the only things that kept me going were the will to finish the story...and the nifty armor outfits....i mean the variety of armor could have been more than the number of different demons and maps....

...all in all...i give this game a 3 1/2....not too good....but playable when you're bored....

[note: the above picture does not appear in the game...but i like it anyhow...heh...]

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

New Beginning...

Hey guys....i know its been a long time since my last blog but there have been a few life problems i had needed thought out first.... other other personalities have gone into care bear has gone into withdrawal and mr smarty pants ...well.....he says....

"I;m tired of the blasted system and this darn reality.....why dont people just wake up and realise the true world as it is....??!!!?!!!!" yea.....i kinda need help to bring these guys back....its rather boring with them sitting in the deepest darkest regions of my brain....

.....and yea....since they've been life has become....rather....boring......sigh......

.....i'm not sure how to continue this....most likely my blog will take a shift in direction.....and so will i.....

......damn depressing la.....dammit....i need a life.....or a gf......dammit.....

.....sigh....back to burning my eyes out with Hellgate London and Gears of War.......

Sunday, 28 October 2007

DOTA V1 and V2.....

....You know what.....i just dont believe it.....i didn't post any videos of Basshunter on here yet.....nuts man...... know what....i'll make it up to you guys.....

[i think he means to make it up to himself]

.....i'll put Basshunter songs about.....DOTA.....??......yea.....i like DOTA.....

......but the second version is sooooo gay lo......its just weird......nice but weird......

.....try's version 1...... here is version 2.....

.....what do you guys think.....i like the spunk in the new version.....but the old version is like more him......

.....and whats the deal with a dancing girl when it's a DOTA song.....??......shouldn't they be playing DOTA.....??

....they are.....didnt you see the laptops.....?....

....well.....since when is there a next level or a menu like those in DOTA.....? looks more like it came off the mission impossible set....

....true....nothing to argue about.....

....for once....want a game of DOTA......

....yeah sure.....the song really makes you want to play.....

Friday, 26 October 2007

CATS....meow....retardedness the P&A preps arent going all that bad..... be honest they are kinda fun....

.....but they do lack experience....not as in like even if i do stuff crappily they all think its awesome.....i dunno what to expect.....

....however....this blog post will be a short one....because there's only like me here.....

.....the other two are off doing ee and some designing stuff so yeah....


oh right.....did i mention i'm like in the reproduction of one of the Cats the musical dances....oh wait....i did...haha.... to be lead cat....yeah....[i feel so retarded now].....however....i havent worn a costume of had make up like this since Simba......but yeah..... guess who am i....??....the character i mean.....haha......Rum Tum Tug.....haha....

....okay this post is soooooo retarded i'm not going to continue it and just post it as it is.....damn....i miss the other two....


